Stucco is a beautiful material that enhances your home’s exterior. However, over time, it can start to show signs of damage, such as cracks or stains.

If you spot these issues, it’s important to seek repair services immediately to prevent further damage. Otherwise, you could end up facing costly water damage or mold problems. Reach out to Stucco Repair Philadelphia PA for expert assistance.
Many homeowners who choose stucco as their exterior finish experience cracking in the walls. These cracks can be cosmetic or structural, but they should be repaired right away before the problem worsens. The key is to know the difference between a small, non-structural crack and one that indicates a foundation problem. It is important to assess the crack’s size, pattern, and location on the wall before deciding how to proceed.
Hairline cracks are narrow fractures in the stucco that are about 1/16th of an inch wide. They look wispy and hairlike because of their appearance, and they are typically caused by improper mud mixture, new home settlement (from drying timber/framing), seismic movement, or a weak base substrate.
Grid or Pattern Cracking
Grid and pattern cracking are more common than vertical or horizontal hairline cracks, and they usually indicate that the lath was not nailed on correctly when the walls were built. They also can be caused by moisture intrusion, shrinkage of the underlying wood framing, or differential settlement.
Larger Cracks
Vertical and horizontal cracks that are more than 1/8th of an inch wide often indicate a serious structural problem in the house. They may appear in the intersections of vertical walls, at the corners of windows and doors, or at joints between wood framing and concrete/brick masonry.
When this type of crack appears, it is best to contact a professional for an inspection. They can advise on the best course of action for repairing these cracks, which may include the use of control joints. These are strategically-placed gaps that function much like the gap you see in sidewalks – as cement expands and contracts, these openings help to relieve stress on the stucco by allowing it to shift in a controlled manner.
If you decide to repair these cracks yourself, be sure to clean the crack and apply a bonding agent before filling it. It is also a good idea to remove any crumbling material from the cracked surface, which will ensure that the new repair will be adherent and durable. Finally, it is a good idea to paint the repaired area to match the surrounding texture so that it blends in seamlessly.
Whether they’re caused by mildew, soot, or even rust, stains can detract from the beauty and value of your stucco. If left untreated, they may even wreak havoc beneath the surface, causing extensive damage. Fortunately, many stains are easy to remove with some effort and the right cleaning solution.
One of the most common types of stains on stucco are dirt stains. These occur when dust and debris from the air gets stuck in the surface of the stucco. This can be from activities around your home, such as landscaping, or from rainstorms and sprinklers. Once in the surface, the particles become discolored and can even change color over time.
A good way to treat these stains is by using a combination of mild detergent and water. This mixture should be applied to the stucco and then rinsed thoroughly. After the washing, it’s a good idea to wait 24 hours for the stucco to fully dry. Once it has, a spot check is a good idea to make sure that you’ve removed all the dirt.
Another type of stain on stucco is a rust streak. These can appear on a stucco wall as if they’re rust-colored tears running down the walls. This can be caused by metal fixtures on the building such as grates, gutters, or vents that rust over time and come in contact with the stucco. It’s important to clean these stains as soon as they appear.
If a rust streak appears on your stucco, it’s best to try and kill the rust first with some oxygen bleach. This is available in a powder form that you mix with water according to any instructions on the packaging. It’s a good idea to test the bleach on a less visible area first to ensure that it doesn’t discolor the stucco.
Once the rust is dead, you can then wash it away with a hose or power washer. It’s a good idea to use the lowest setting possible so that you don’t damage the stucco. You can also use a commercial efflorescence remover on the more stubborn stains that just won’t budge.
Leaks in stucco aren’t always immediately obvious, but they can lead to significant problems that will cost homeowners in the long run. If left unattended, these leaks can compromise the integrity of a building and lead to rot and mold growth. Fortunately, there are ways to spot water intrusions in stucco, and taking the right action can prevent costly damage.
Look for discoloration and staining around windows, doors, and the crevices where your roof meets interior walls. You can also spot signs of moisture in your home by noticing a musty smell, which is typically caused by the decomposition of rotted wood.
It is important to check for cracks, stains, and moisture regularly so that you can catch them early. Depending on how severe the problem is, it may be necessary to remove and replace damaged areas of stucco. A professional stucco contractor will be able to identify and repair these issues quickly and efficiently, keeping your home in the best possible condition.
Stucco water leaks can often be the result of poor or incomplete window flashing, or a gap between the window frame and the exterior stucco. They are most commonly found on homes with a southern exposure and gable ends. Leaks can also be the result of faulty or improper installation or application of waterproofing products.
The best way to detect a water leak is by using a moisture meter and conducting regular inspections. In addition, a good stucco contractor should use a thermal imaging camera to verify that the problem has been fully addressed and that there are no hidden problems lurking beneath the surface.
Using the wrong type of repair product can actually accelerate the rate of decay and exacerbate existing problems. Incorrect repairs will only offer a temporary fix and can be expensive to fix in the long run. A good stucco contractor will know the proper materials to use, preventing the problem from reoccurring and saving you money in the long run.
The three main signs of stucco water damage are cracking, stains, and leaking. If you notice any of these problems, be sure to contact a Garabar stucco specialist as soon as possible to prevent further damage and save yourself time, money, and stress in the future.
If you have small holes in your stucco, it is possible to repair them on a do-it-yourself basis. You’ll need a high quality, paintable caulking material to fill the hole. Then, you’ll need to patch the hole with a stucco mix. Mix the stucco patch according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Apply the patching material in 1/4” layers until it is fully cured and flush with the existing wall. Apply a final coat of texture to blend the patch into the surrounding surface.
If the cracks are wide, it may be necessary to call in a stucco contractor. It is important that the damaged areas are clean before applying any patching material. This will help ensure the best possible bond with the new stucco. You’ll also want to make sure that you don’t damage the metal lath under the stucco.
Cracks that are 1/32” or less in width are considered hairline cracks and are normal. They’re usually caused by stress, vibrations or moisture in the wall. You can use joint compound to repair them, but if they continue to grow or are accompanied by other signs of deterioration, you may need more extensive repairs.
It is important to regularly inspect your stucco for problems and keep up with small repairs. Doing so can prevent the need for major replastering or remediation.
Spider cracking is a sign that the base coat didn’t cure properly, which could be due to bad weather conditions on the day it was applied, an improper mixture in the stucco recipe or the wall being too cold. Spider cracks typically require a total replastering of the affected area.
Stucco is an incredibly durable material, but that doesn’t mean it is impervious to damage. A reputable stucco company will inspect your stucco and fix any issues right away to save you time, money and headaches down the road.
Keeping up with your stucco repair can prevent costly repairs and prolong the life of your home’s exterior. It is also essential to point sprinklers and gutter downspouts away from your stucco walls. These items can cause water to pond against the surface of your stucco which can lead to mold and mildew growth.